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Singareni Junior Nurse Syllabus 2021

 Singareni Junior Nurse Syllabus 2021Official Syllabus copy  : Related Posts :&nb...

Singareni Staff Nurse Notification 2021

 Singareni Staff Nurse Notification 2021Online application : Clickherelast Date : 27-02-2021 ( 05.00 PM...

Which date study of basic BSC nursing Joining started

 Which date study of basic BSC nursing Joining startedB.Sc Nursing admission starts regularly from the month of June every year. In each university release notification in different dates. Few University B.Sc Nursing admissions dates are Mentioned below.01. Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences, Warangal, Telangana. It release the B.Sc Nursing Notification in the Month of October in every year and starts admission in college by in the Month of Novmber. The Academic year starts from Novmber and end in October.   ...

Documents to be attached in nursing officer post

 What are the Documents  to be attached in Nursing Officer PostThe Documents required for the Nursing Officer post is mentioned below1. SSC Marks Memo2. Intermediate Marks Memo3. B.Sc Nursing Marks Memos ( Each year Marks Memo )4. Provisional Certificate5. Transcript6. Original Degree ( Not mandatory if you have provisional certificate )7. Study & Conduct Certificate of Nursing8. Caste Certificate9. Identity Card ( Aadhar, Pan, Passport, etc...)10. Experience Certificates11. Admit Card or Hall TicketRelated Posts :&nb...

What is the language of B.SC nursing exam Hindi and English ?

What is the language of B.SC nursing exam Hindi and English ?The language of B.Sc Nursing exam conducted in English. But B.Sc Nursing entrance exam conducted in the English and Hindi language. As well as Requirement test for Nursing jobs exam conducted in English and Hindi. Other than English and Hindi no any other languages are used for the exam papers in nursing Educati...

Telangana Staff Nurse Edit the Bio-Data Notification No 57/2017

Telangana Staff Nurse Edit the Bio-Data Notification No 57/2017Required details to edit the Staff Nurse Application details are1. TSPSC ID :TO FIND THE TSPSC ID CLICK HERE2. Date of Birth :3. Journal No :To findout Journal No CLICKHERE in that select notification No, Enter TSPSC ID, and Date of Birth and Download your application form OR Journal is available at your application form                   Using all details click on following linkClickhereNote : If you don't have above...

Good Standing Certificate for Nurses

 Good Standing Certificate for NursesQ. What is Good Standing Certificate for Nurses ?Ans. Good Standing Certificate for Nurses is provides information about that the nurse Registration details in the particular state, Registration Details, Course, University details and state council decide the nurse conduct over is working detailsQ. Why Nurses required Good Standing Certificate ?Ans. Good Standing Certificate for nurses is mandatory to submit...

Gender Role in Nursing

 Gender Role in nursing click here&nb...