Flash News


HELD ON 12-02-2017

01. The most abundant nutrient present in the body is 
A) Carbohydrate
B) Protein
C) Lipid
D) Water

Answer : 

02. The behavior involving the care and protection of the offspring by the females of species it
A) Maternal
B) Aggression
C) Affiliation
D) Thirst motive

Answer :

03. The branch of psychology that deals with the group behaviour and inter-relationships of people is
A) Geopsychology
B) Social psychology
C) General psychology
D) Parapsychology

Answer :

04. The individual's capacity to acquire some specific knowledge, skill is
A) Attitude
B) Aptitude
C) Personality
D) Attention

Answer :

05. The following are symptoms of anxiety except
A) Palpation
B) Gastric discomfort
C) Bradycardia
D) Frequency of micturation

Answer :

06. After failure in the examination student blames his teachers and parents This behaviour is an example of
A. Rationalization
B. Compensation
C. Projection
D. Displacement

Answer :

07. Which theory was propounded by Karl Mark
A. Fascism
B. Anarchism
C. Communism
D. Socialism

Answer :

08. Polygamy is
A. Having one wife at a time
B. Having more than one wife at a time
C. Keeping second wife after divorcing the first one
D. Having two husbands at a time

09. Tissue reaction is highest with which of the following suturing materials
A. Plain catgut
B. Nylon
C. Chromic catgut
D. Vicryl

Answer : 

10. Which of the following would lead the nurse to suspect that meningitis has lead to dissemenstion of coagulation
A. Haemorhagic skin rash
B. Pulmonary oedema
C. Pallor
D. Haemoptysis

11. The most common disorders seen by health care professional are
A. Cardiovascular disorders
B. Cancers
C. Skin disorders 
D. Sexuality transmitted infection

Answer :

12. The rule of nine refers to
A. The depth of burn
B. Burn percentage in adults
C. Burn percentage in children
D. Burn percentage in adults

Answer :

13. The appendix is located in
A. The left iliac fossa
B. The right iliac fossa
C. The right anticubital fossa
D. The left anticubital fossa

Answer :

14. Coining of new words is known as
A. mannerism
B. Neologism
C. hallucination
D. Delusion

Answer :

15, Korsakoff's syndrome occurs due to the intake of 
A. Cannabis
B. Opium
C. Alcohol
D. Amphetamine

Answer :

16. All of the following features characterise a hysterical fit except
A. Tongue bite is absent
B. Movements are irregular and bizarre
C. Incontinence of urine does not occur
D. It usually occurs in the absence of people and unsafe places;

Answer :

17. Cracking or ulceration of the lips and angles of the mouth is known as
A. Pyorrhoea
B. Calculus
C. Cheilosis
D. Sordes

Answer :

18. Which of the following is a commonly used antiseptic
A. Savlon
B. Cidex
C. Sodium chloride
D. Phenol

Answer :

19. Diffuculty in swallowing is
A. Dyspepsia
B. Dysphasia
C. Vomiting
D. Nutrients

Answer : 

20. Wax like substance secreted by glands in the external ear canal is
A. Blong
B. Cerumen
C. Collagon
D. Lipid

Answer :

21. What is the correct formula for converting Fahrenheit into centigrade
A. C x 9/5 + 32
B. F + 32 x 5/9
C. F - 32 x 5/9
D. F - 32 x 9/5

Answer : 

22. Sensitivity and reaction is tested by administering the drug
A. Intradermally
B. Intramuscularly
C. Intravenously
D. Subcutaneously

Answer :

23. A patient with a cardiac history is taking the diuretic furosemide ( Lasix ) and is seen in the emergen for muscle weakness. Which laboratory value do you asses first
A. Serum albumin
B. Serum sodium
C. Haematocrit
D. Serum potassium

Answer :

24. Stocking are used after a surgical procedure to
A. Prevent varicose veins
B. Prevent muscular atrophy
C. Ensure joint mobility and prevent contractures
D. Promote venous return to the heart

25. The size of the draw sheet is
A. 100cm long x 110cm wide
B. 150cm long x 110cm wide
C. 170cm long x 150cm wide
D. 250cm long x 190cm wide

Answer :

26. Which of the following are components of the paradigm of nursing
A. The person, health, environment and theory
B. Health, theory, concepts and environment
C. Nurses, physicians, health and patient needs
D. The person, health, environment and nursing

Answer : 

27. The interpretation of the data collected about the patient represents the
A. Assessment of the patient
B. Health problems of the patient
C. Nursing interventions done for the patient
D. Proposed plan of care 

Answer :

28. After giving BCG vaccination, scar gets formed in
A. 3 days
B. 2 weeks
C. 1 month
D. 2 months

Answer :

29. What is minimum contact period for sterilization of AMBU bag with 2% glutaraldehyde

A. 6 hours
B. 12 hours
C. 24 hours.
D. 48 hours

Answer : 

30. For providing kangaroo mother care, the minimum duratio of contact should be at least

A. 30 minutes
B. 1 hour
C. 2 hours
D. 6 hours

Answer :

31. After what minimum period of gestation a preterm infant can be directly put to breast for adequate breast feeding

A. 30 weeks
B. 32 weeks
C. 33 weeks
D. 34 weeks

Answer :

32. Refuse is as called as

A. Solid waste
B. Liquid waste
C. Sewage
D. Sullage

Answer :

33. The disease that is also known as hydrophobia is

A. Dengue
B. Rabies
C. Plague
D. Measles

Answer :

34. Bhore committiee was constituted in

A. 1940
B. 1943
C. 1947
D. 1920

Answer :

35. Calcium is essential for the formation of

A. Liver
B. Brain
C. Bones and teeth
D. Teeth

Answer :

36. Normal value of serum urea

A. 15 - 40 mg/dl
B. 30 - 45 mg/dl
C. 35 - 50 mg/dl
D. 40 - 60 mg/dl

Answer :

37. Petechiae is frequency observed in

A. Gastroenteritis
B. Prostatic hypertrophy
C. Otitis media
D. Bleeding disorder

Answer :

38. Deformity due to lateral curvature of the spine is known as

A. Atelectasis
B. Strabismus
C. Scoliosis
D. Kyphosis

Answer :

39. SLE is an example of

A. Communicable disease
B. Autoimmune disease
C. Hemolytic disease
D. None of the above

Answer :

40. Hodgkin's disease is a malignancy of

A. Heart
B. Lymph nodes
C. Kidney
D. Lung

Answer :

41. Otoscope is used to visualize

A. Eye
B. Ear
C. Nose
D. Thorat

Answer :

42. Other name for facial nerve palsy is

A. Bell's palsy
B. Trigeminal neuralgia
C. Dematophytosis
D. Turner syndrome

Answer :

43. Durg to be give during dirrhea is

A. Cotrimoxazole
B. Zinc
C. Nalidixic acid
D. Cefixime

Answer :

44. Which condition is associated with Down's syndrome

A. Trisomy 21
B. Trisomy 18
C. Dislocations
D. Mosaicism

Answer :

45. All of the following are the methods for prevention of post partum hemorrhage except

A. Active management of third stage of labour
B. Antenatal iron supplementation
C. Preventing multiparity
D. Delivering premature baby

Answer :

46. Antepartum hemorrhage is associated with all of the following except

A. Post partum hemorrhage
B. Anemia
C. Increased perinatal mortality
D. Post term pregnancy

Answer :

47. All of the following are risk factor for hyperemesis gravidarum in pregnancy except

A. Multiple pregnancy
B. Family history
C. Molar pregnancy
D. Multigravida woman

Answer :

48. Which of the following drugs are to be prescribed in the first trimester of pregnancy

A. Iron
B. Folic acid
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above

Answer :

49. Fibroid uterus is associated with all of the following except

A. Menorrhagia
B. Infertility
C. Multiple pregnancy
D. Dysmenorrhoea

Answer :

50. Copper T 380 is effective for how many years as contraceptive

Answer :

51. Shock can be defined as

A. Hypotension
B. Hypoeperfusion of tissue
C. Hypoxemia
D. All of the above

Answer :

52. The most commonly involved cranival nerve in diabetes is

C. V

Answer :

53. In case of hperthyroidism, which of the following is increased

A. T3
B. T4
D. All of the above

Answer :

54. The most common congenital heart valve defect is

A. Bicuspid aortic valve
B. Mitral valve prolapse
C. Mital stenosis
D. Pulmonary stenosis

Answer :

55. Jaundice is usually not associated with

A. Hepatitis A
B. Hepatitis B
C. Hepatitis C
D. Hepatitis E

Answer :

56. All are complication of massive blood transfusion except

A. Hyperkalemia
B. Alkalosis
C. Hypercalcemia
D. Hypothermia

Answer :

57. Post operative pulmonary complications can be

A. Collapse of lung
B. Lung abscess
C. Bronchopneumonia
D. All of the above


58. Most common site for carcinoid tumour is

A. Duodenum
B. Jejunum
C. Ileum
D. Appendix

Answer :

59. What is pulse deficit

A. Difference between pulse and blood pressure
B. Difference between radial pulse and apical pulse
C. Difference between radial pulse and carotid pulse
D. None of the above

Answer :

60. What is the correct temperature used in autoclave method to sterilized insturments

A. 40 degree C for 10 minutes
B. 100 degree C for 25 minutes
C. 126 degree C for 20 minutes
D. 110 degree C for 15 minutes

Answer :

61. Separation of infected person from other patient is known as

A. Quarantine
B. Isolation
C. Concurrent disinfection
D. Barrier technique

Answer :

62. What is the solution for steam inhalation

A. H2O2
B. Tincture benzoin
D. Spirit

Answer :

63. Magnesium sulphate is known as

A. Epson salt
B. Plaster of Paris
C. Black poweder
D. Iodized salt

Answer :

64. Which of the following is used to access the level of consciousness

A. APGAR scoring
B. Barden Scale
C. Glassgow coma scale
D. Snellen's Chart

Answer :

65. The appropriate time for the nurse to obtain a sputum specimen for the culture is

A. Early in the morning
B. After the patient eats a light breakfast
C. After serosol therapy
D. After chest physiotherapy

Answer :

66. Physiological sterility is present in which of the following conditions

A. Tuberculosis
B. Endometriosis
C. Before puberty
D. Asheman syndrome

Answer :

67. Hysterosalpngography can diagnose all of the following except

A. Endometrial polyp
B. Submucous fibroid
C. Subserous fibroid
D. Uterine septum

Answer :

68. All of the following are symptoms of incomplete abortion except

A. History of bleeding per vaginum
B. Uterine size less than period of amenorrhoea
C. Closed cervial os
D. History of passage of products of conception

Answer :

69. What is the upper limit of pregnancy upto which MTP can be done in India as per MTP Act 1971

A. 18 weeks
B. 20 weeks
C. 22 weeks
D. 24 weeks

Answer :

70. Which of the following is the screening method for cancer cervix

A. CA 125
B. Pap smear
C. Cervical biopsy
D. Ultrasound of uterus and adnexa

Answer :

71. Which gas is used for pneumoperitoneum in case of laparoscopy

A. Carbon dioxide
B. Oxygen
C. Hydrogen
D. Nitrous oxide

Answer :

72. Which of the following is an indication for antenatal administration of glucocorticoids

A. Antepartum hemorrhage
B. Postpartum hemorrhage
C. Preterm labour

Answer :

73. Choose the word closest in meaning to preposterous

A. Abhorrent
B. Premonition
C. Foolish
D. Prepone

Answer :

74. We______________to go to a hill station this time

A. Are planning
B. Have panned
C. Had been planning
D. Planned

Answer :

75. Mr. Sinha __________ in this school since 1985

A. Has been teaching
B. Has taught
C. Is teaching.
D. Taught

Answer :

76. According to ____________ weatherman's data, there has been less rainfall this year than the last year

A. Became
B. Becomes
C. Had become
D. Have become

Answer :

77. I __________ in Delhi for two years now

A. Am living
B. Have lived
C. Have been living
D. Live

Answer :

78. Unless you work hard, you __________ not be able to pass the exams

A. Can
B. Will
C. May
D. Might

Answer :

79. Social conflict refers to

A. Destruction of social values
B. Destruction or alteration of endowments by riots, war, terrorism
C. Social pathology related to female foeticide, dowry, deaths, child abuse etc
D. None of the above

Answer :

80. Who is regarded as the Father of Sociology

A. Marx
B. Montesquieu
C. Comte
D. Parsons

Answer :

81. Social stratification implies

A. Social justice
B. Social inequality
C. Social injustice
D. Social equality

Answer :

82. Which of the following storage device can store maximum amount of data

A. Floppy disk
B. Hard disk
C. Compact disk
D. Magneto optic disk

Answer :

83. Software in computer

A. Enhances the capabilities of the hardware machine
B. Increase the speed of central processing unit
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above

Answer :

84. Brain of any computer system is

B. Memory
D. Control unit

Answer :

85. In infection which is present in an individual but not sufficient to result in a disease is called as

A. Latent infection
B. Clinical infection
C. Subclinical infection
D. Secondary infection

Answer :

86. Vitamin K at birth is adminstered to ___ among new borns

A. Prevent excessive bleeding
B. Increase immunity
C. Prevent infection
D. Correct malnutrition


87. Window period in HIV disease

A. Time period between infection and onset of first symptoms
B. Time period between infection and detection of antibodies against HIV
C. Time period between infection and maximum multiplication of the causative organism
D. None of the above

88. Disease occurring at the same time in different countries is known as

A. Endemic
B. Epidemic
C. Pandemic
D. Sporadic

Answer :

89. What is meant by " Gerontology"

A. Ageing people
B. Studyof elderly
C. None of the above

90. Ergonomics is the study of 

A. Designing the job to fit to the worker
B. Training the worker to fit to the job
C. Recruiting the employee to fit for the job
D. Prevention of occupational disease

Answer :

91. Jumping of one idea to another idea is 

A. Mutism
B. Flight of ideas
C. Ideas of persocution

Answer :

92. False fixed belief is called as

A. Delusion
B. Hallucination
C. Illusion
D. Depersonalization

Answer :

93.The two kinds of main memory are
A. Primary and secondary
B. Random and sequential
C. ROM and RAM
D. All of the above

Answer :

94. A byte consists of
A. One bit
B. Four bits
C. Eight bits
D. Sixteen bits

Answer : 

Physical Fitness Certificate

Case-01 : Case Presentation On Polytrauma



          'Mesentery' that connects the intestine to the abdomen was considered a fragmented structure.

Scientists :

  • J Calvin Coffey ( Professor of Surgery at University of Limerick in Ireland ) found the mesentery organ in human body.

Uses :

          It will aid better understanding & treatment of abdominal and digestive diseases.

Puncture Proof Container or PPC

Puncture Proof Container ( PPC )

          Puncture Proof Container or PPC container is used to disposable of sharp instruments. It mostly used in health care system to prevent injuries from sharp disposables.

          The code used for puncture proof container is white.

Examples :

  • Needles ( After Burning )
  • Surgical blades
  • Suture Needles
  • Ampules
  • Vials
  • Mercury contained Thermometers
  • Vaccutainers

Solution Used in Puncture Proof Container :

          The solution used in puncture proof container is sodium hypochloride and water the ratio is for each 1 liter of water 200ml of sodium hypochloride.

          The frequency of solution changing is every 8 hours according to infection control committee guidelines.

Images : 

Image-01 : Puncture Proof Container



Images :

Bike Ambulances :

Image-01 : Bike Ambulance

Image-02 : Bike Ambulance

Admission Notification Into Advanced PG Diploma Courses in Health Care


          Applications are invited from eligible candidate for admission into the Advanced PG Diploma Courses

Health Care Courses :

1. Anesthesia Technology
2. Cardiac Technology
3. Cath lab Technology
4. Dialysis Technology
5. Emergency Medical Care
6. Echo Cardiography & Sonography
7. Medical Imaging Technology
8. Medical Lab
9. Operation Theatre Technology
10. Physician Assistant
11. Respiratory Therapy Technology
12. Health Care Technology
13. Health Insurance & Billing

Eligibility :

          The candidates with a Bachelor Degree with at least one life science subject are eligible for the courses 1 to 11 above whereas graduates in all disciplines ( Except Oriental languages )are
eligible for courses 12 & 13. These courses are offered by differrent hospitals, in affiliation to Osmania University.

Time Line :

Online Registration Last Date : 13-01-2017

Fee :

Rs.800/- for online registration.

Counceling Date :


Venue : 

Osmania Campus, Hyderabad, Telangana.

Detailed Notification : Click Here.

To apply online : Click Here.

BFUHS Staff Nurse Hall Tickets 2016

Baba Farid University of Health Sciences
B.Sc Nursing Entrance Test Notification 2016

          Baba farid university of health sciences released the Hall tickets for Staff Nurse.

Exam Date                             :   27-12-2016

Download Hall tickets : Click Here

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