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Govt Staffnurse Jobs In DMHO AP

Staffnurses Jobs in DMHO, Guntur, AP
          The government of Andrea Pradesh released the notification for filling staffnurses through DMHO
Position : Staff nurse
No of Posts : 24
Qualification :
Last Date : 03-08-2016
Application form download from website
Website : www.guntur.nic.in

Human Anatomy Questions For Staffnurse

Human Anatomy Important For Staffnurse
√√Longest bone in human body -- Femur (thigh bone)
√√ Smallest bone STAPES the middle ear
√√ Hardest material in the human body Tooth -- enamel
√√ Strongest muscle Jaw muscle
√√ Largest external organ -- Skin
√√ Largest internal organ Liver
√√ Smallest gland -- Pituitary
√√ Largest artery -- Aorta
√√ Smallest blood vessel -- Capillary
√√ Element most common in human body -- Oxygen (65%)
√√ Mineral most common in human body -- Calcium
√√ Compound most common in human body -- Water
√√ Pigment which gives a dark colour to the skin Melanin
√√ Nails are modification of EPIDERMIS (external layer of skin)
√√ Muscles are attached to bones by connective tissues called --
√√ Bones are attached to bones by -- Ligaments
√√ Sebaceous glands in human body secrete -- Sebum or oil
√√ Lachrymal glands in human body secrete -- Tears
√√ The volume of blood in an adult is -- 4.7 to 5 litres
√√ The total number of bones in human body is -- 206
√√ The most common type of blood group is -- Type O

Physiology Questions for Staffnurse

1. Potassium is mainly regulated by - Aldosterone.
2. Tip of scapula at level – T7.
3. Oblique fissure of the lung at level - T3 to T6 Costochondral.
4. Decussating of medial lemniscuses - Internal Arcuate Fibers.
5. Superficial temporal artery relation with which nerve - Auriculotemporal nerve.
6. Correct about Thyroid gland - lymph drainage to deep cervical lymph nodes.
7. Anemic hypoxia occur in – Methemoglobulenemia.
8. In cerebral circulation brain arteries - Do not anastomose once entered in the brain (controvertial).
9. Phase 1 of transformation of drug metabolism – Oxidation.
10. Standard deviation shows - Variability of individual observation.
11. Counseling in patients is - To help themselves.
12. A young girl who is going to die and asks you “Am I going to die?” Doctor response should be – “What your parents have told you?”
13. In whole wheat – Thiamine.
14. Cholesterol enriched diet – Egg.
15. Origin of peroxisomes – SER.
16. Organelle where protein combines with carbohydrates, packed and released - Golgi complex.
17. Correct about DNA – Euchromatin is transcriptionally active.
18. ADPKD associated with – Renal failure (vs) Cerebral haemorrhage (controversial) here most probable Renal failure.
19. Cause of delay in healing – Infections.
20. PaO2 decreased, PCO2 increased, hydrogen ion increased; manifestation (looked like kind of COPD) – Hypoventilation.
21. PCO2 31, HCO3 19, pH increased (Metabolic alkalosis scenario) - Hyperventilation
22. Person with tachycardia, and heat intolerance with low level of TSH, on giving TRH; level of TSH and thyroid hormones increases. Diagnosis – Hyperthyroidism with thyroid problem.
23. Origin of oxytocin and ADH – Hypothalamus.
24. Difference between systemic and pulmonary circulation - Low resistance in pulmonary circulation.
25. Mean systemic filling pressure is regulated by - Venous return.
26. Systolic pressure is directly related to which one of the following – Renin.
27. ADH responds to – Osmolarity.
28. Osmoreceptors – ADH.
29. Right border of heart on X-ray also visible a part of – SVC.
30. In MI sensitive cardio marker – Tropinin T.
31. Diabetic nephropathy investigation - Urine albumin.
32. Young boy with generalized edema and proteinuria - Lesion of basement membrane.
33. Lesion of parasympathetic system affects mostly - GI muscles.
34. Stress hormone of our body - ACTH.
35. S2 sound heard on - Closure of aortic and pulmonary valve.
36. A patient with history hemorrhage (trauma) receives a bag stored for 2 weeks mainly contains – RBCs.
37. Due to inspiration – Decreased negative intrapleural pressure.
38. Important buffer of blood - HCO3-.
39. Max increase in ECF due to infusion of - Hypertonic NaCl.
40. Auscultation of tricuspid valve best heard at – Right lower end of the body of sternum.
41. GVE vagus nerve for preganglionic fiber arises from – Dorsal nucleus.
42. Thorn prick in left lower limb caused abscess - Staph aureus.
43. Diabetic female after abdominal surgery; dyspnea and cough - Pulmonary embolism.
44. MCC of pulmonary embolism – DVT.
45. Typhoid fever 1st week test – Blood culture
46. Typhoid fever 2nd week test – Blood culture and Widal test.
47. Typical feature of falciparum - Black water fever.
48. Alcoholic patient with deranged LFTs; on biopsy – Mallory bodies.
49. Councilman bodies seen in – Apoptosis.
50. Natural self-defense against tumors – Apoptosis.
51. P53 gene absent results in - cell survival.
52. Pain mediator - Bradykinins.
53. Metaplasia – Functional change in cells.
54. Female with infection of HPV, comes after 2 years, Pap smear shows prominent nucleoli and increased nucleus size – Dysplasia.
55. Gas exchange occur - Simple squamous epithelial layer.
56. Patient with granulomatous disease, biopsy done. Microscopic finding that suggests TB – Epitheloid cells.
57. The spindle fibers will decrease in discharge of impulses when - Muscle contracts (vs) When efferent gamma discharge occurs. (controversial) here most probable “muscle contracts”
58. Diagnosis for leprosy, initial investigation - Nasal scrapping.
59. Benign neoplasm – Adenoma.
60. 3 germ layers tumor – Teratoma.
61. When adrenalin release from medulla, causes vasodilation by acting on - Beta 2 adrenergic receptors.
62. Increased GFR and increased plasma flow occur due to - Dilation of afferent arteriole.
63. Charateristic of cerebellar lesion - Dymetria
64. Emax of a drug depends on – Efficacy
65. Study in which every person of a population has equal chances of being selected – Random sampling.
66. Amniocenthesis is done - After 14th weeks.
67. 1st response against acute inflammation in tissue – Macrophages.
68. In dark granules containing cells; IgE attaches to – Basophils.
69. Opsonization - C3b.
70. Exudate - more than 3g of proteins.
71. About active transport of drug all are true except - All drugs pass via active transport.
72. Pulmonary artery supply to – Alveoli.
73. Muscles of back innervated by - Dorsal rami.
74. In young boy dyspnea produced on lying - Retrosternal goiter.
75. Most important cause of bronchogenic cancer – Smoking.
76. Edema caused by - Increased hydrostatic pressure.
77. Edema caused by - Lymphatic blockage.
78. BP 210/180mmHg and creatinine 8% damaged part – Juxtaglomerular apparatus.
79. Female with blood group A, have 2 children; one with O and other with AB, blood group of father is – B.
80. Genetically true hermaphrodite – XX/XY.
81. DNA replication occur in – Interphase.
82. Glycogenolysis caused by deficiency of which hormone - Insulin
83. Investigation for liver amoebic abscess – Serology.
84. Surgery of submandibular gland; nerve damaged - marginal mandibular branch of facial.
85. On posterior surface of oblique and transversalis fascia - Arcuate line.
86. Aspirin overdose causes – Coma.
87. Cardiac output measurement via thermodilution – Temperature change downstream with CO.
88. Father with defective gene on one autosomal chromosome, develops disease later in his life; chances of getting disease in children – Half of the children will be affected.
89. If left circumflex artery occluded - Infarction of left atrium and left ventricle.
90. MCC of multiple fractures in adult – Osteoporosis.
91. Patient with fracture of many bones and low BP immediate treatment - Volume replacement.
92. Most common fracture of long bone - Tibia.
93. Collagen fibers – Eosin stain
94. Gamma efferent supply to – Intrafusal muscle spindles.
95. Micturition – Self generating.
96. Hallmark of HIV – Proliferation of virus in T-Cells.
97. 1g protein gives energy – 4 kcalories.
98. Isotonic and isometric contraction difference is that isotonic contraction – consumes more phosphate bond.
99. Autonomic nervous system – parasympathetic increase salivary secretion.
100. Protrusion of mandible – Lateral pterygoid.....

Significance of Lead aVR in ECG

Significance of Lead aVR in ECG:

*** 1st: In a case of suspected acute coronary syndrome, presence of ST elevation in Lead aVR > 1 mm predicts either left main dse or proximal left anterior descending artery (LAD) occlusion with severe triple‑vessel disease (TVD).

ST elevation in aVR > V1 predicts acute LMCA occlusion, ST elevation in V1 > aVR is more predictive of LAD occlusion usually proximal to first septal branch.

*** 2nd : In patients having narrow complex tachycardia, presence of ST segment elevation in lead aVR favors atrioventricular reentry through accessory pathway rather than atrial ventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia as mechanism of tachycardia.

*** 3rd:  “aVR sign” is defined as R wave ≥0.3 mV or R/q ≥ 0.75 in lead aVR. It is considered as a risk factor for life‑threatening arrhythmic events in patients with Brugada syndrome.

*** 4th: Reciprocal ST segment depression and PR segment elevation (knuckle sign) in lead aVR are characteristic and help in supporting a diagnosis of acute pericarditis.

*** 5th: In patients with suspected poisoning presence of tall R wave in lead aVR along with the presence of QRS and QT prolongation should suggest the possibility of tricyclic antidepressant poisoning.

*** 6th: Both dextrocardia and lead reversal (left arm/right arm leads) mimic each other can present with P wave and QRS complex are upright in lead aVR. In case of lead reversal, the precordial pattern (V1 to V6) is normal. With dextrocardia, the QRS voltage gradually diminishes from V1 through V6

*** 7th: Left Ventricular Aneurysm (Goldbergers sign) : In patients with Anterior wall MI with persistent ST elevation in chest leads and tall R in lead aVR is indicative of ventricular aneurysm (Goldbergers sign). In acute ST elevation lead aVR usually shows negative QRS.

*** 8th: Tension Pneumothorax: The ECG changes are more common in left pneumothorax, with or without tension, including a right QRS axis deviation, low QRS voltage, reduced precordial R-wave voltage, and anterior T-wave inversion. Marked PR-segment elevation in inferior leads and reciprocal PR-segment depression in lead aVR.

*** 9th: Atrial infarction: In the presense of acute Inferior wall MI, PR segment elevation in inferior leads and PR segment depression in lead aVR is suggestive of Atrial infarction.

*** 10th: Acute pulmonary embolism:  Acute right ventricular overload could also manifest as ST-segment elevation in lead aVR.

Cranial Nerves Assessment

Cranial Nerves Assessment
You may assess the cranial nerves by performing some procedures depending on the nerve involved.
CN I (Olfactory) – ask the patient to identify the smell of two different objects.
CN II (optic) – Rosenbaum-near vision card and Snellen chart may be used
CN III (oculomotor), CN IV (trochlear), and CN VI (abducens). Corneal light reflex test, the six cardinal positions of gaze, and the cover-uncover test may be used. You may also assess the size, shape, and symmetry of your patient’s pupils and papillary reactions to light.
CN V (trigeminal) – You may need objects to use in testing the pain and sensory perceptions in the same three areas.
CN VII (facial) – Sensory component may be checked by placing different items with different tastes on the anterior portion of the tongue. Motor function may be checked by assessing symmetry when smiling and frowning. By asking the patient to attempt opening his eyes, you are also checking muscle strength.
CN VIII (acoustic) – Weber’s and Rinne’s test may be used with the use of a vibrating fork.
CN IX (glossopharyngeal) and CN X (vagus) – You may need to listen to the patient’s voice and check the gag reflex.
CN XI (spinal accessory) – You may assess this nerve by testing the strength of the sternocleidomastoid muscles and the upper portion of the trapezius muscle.
CN XII (hypoglossal) – You may need to check tongue symmetry as well as tongue strength (asking the patient to push his tongue against his cheek as you are applying resistanc

Sample Staffnurse Questions

1) In mumps which part is afftected - parotid gland
2) use of karmen catheter - abortion
3) turner syndrome- in females
4)cause of scald - moist heat
5) term cholelithiasis refers - gallbladder stone
6) postmaturity - 42 weeks
7) still birth - 28 weeks
8) newborn assessment - apgar score
9) lead poisoning leads to - weaking of Nerves
10) milk disease caused by - gastritis
11) moslem prayer poistion used for - laminectomy
12)lumbar puncture site - l3-l4
13) normal fetal heartrate - 120-140
14) world heath day - 7th april
15) ozone layer absorbs - uv radiation
16) vagotomy is for - peptic ulcer
17) best method for milk sterlization - pasteurization
18) health care centre - PHC
19) cretinism refers to - deficiency of t3
20) After crosing the head to ischial spine ....Restitution of head
21)less amniotic fluid - oligohydroamnios
22)breakdown of fibrin - Synresis
23)function of vitamin k - acts for prothrombin
24)std disease- AIDS
25)neonatal death - after 7 days
26)cause of diarrhoea-rotavirus
27)sign of meningitis -kerning sign
28)inflamation of the eyelashes and eyelid-stye
29)cancer of bone marrow - myeloma
30)pus in pleural cavity - empyema
31)vitamin b12 causes-pernicious anaemia
32)in which disease manic and depressive episodes both occur - bipolar disorder 33)psychotic disorder - schizophrenia
34)repitetive episodes of activities - OCD
35)negri bodies seen in -rabies
36)sleeping sickness caused by - tsetse fly
37)whooping cough caused by - pertussis
38)leptospirosis caused by - rats
39)disbalance of ADH caused by - imbalance in posterior pituitary hormone 40)side by side curvature - scliosis
41)antihelmintic drugs for - worms
42)which is not cause tear of pelvis - gynaecoid
43)permanent faimly planning method-vasectomy
44)fears - known as phobia
45)umbilical cord also known as -funis
46)twisting and obstruction of intestine - intussecption
47)poisnous gas- carbon momoxide
48)not a congenital disease - ischaemic diseases
49) bed sores by - Friction
50)ventricular shunt for- hydrocephalus
51)1st teeth erupt-incisor
52)1st stage time for primigravida - 11 hour
53)quinotruplets -5 fetus
54)cause of oral cancer - chewing tobacco
55)action of pencillin - inhubition of cell wall synthesis
56)cause of cerebral malaria-by p.falciparum
57)which is not -lochia - alag hi option tha
58)protusion of one body part into another-hernia
59)not a sign of nephrotic syndrome-hyperalbumi­nia
60)decreased heart rate - bradycardia
61 Ab - ve blood grp and which blood grp give in emergency --- o negative 62)uterus weight -60gm
63)priority nursing action for poisiong-identify the poisen 64)parmanent hardness removed by- soda
65)space bt pleural cavities -- media sternum
66)dark bends- myosin
67)celiac disease i - small intestine
68)duodenum hormone-cholecystoki­nine
69)no. of breech presentation - 4
70)biparietal diameter-9.5
71)drug used in procedure to maintain cvp-dopamine
72)blood loss after delivery-PPH
73)immediate fuction of chc nurse in-endemic disease
74)bones holes-fossae
75)meningocele-menin­ges protrudes
76)incubation period of poliomyelitis - 7-14 days
77) air pllution by -Bio gas
78)temp. for tepid sponging - 25 to 38 C
79) nursing priority for communicable diseases- isolation
80)another name of chicken pox-varicella
81) hearing range-20-20000 hz
82)herpes zooster-viral disease
83)why malaria is increased now a days-poor sanitory condition 84)which disease is not give life long immunity- influenza
85 ..definition of CHC ....people live in small area
86..Oma means ...Cyst ya new growth
87. Clark farmula ....calculate the pediatric dose
88 which is not a sypmtom of preeclampsia
89 ..Osteoma ...
90 ...ADHD /conduct ...
91 which is not a type of wound ..ulcer
92 Which is not a obstetrical forcep ...waggy forcep
93 cause of CHF ...mitral stenosis
94 Murmur sound ....Rhematic fever
95 ..Fore skin not revert back ....Phimosis
96 gastational period ...280 days
97 incordination of movement ....Ataxia



          Common Blood Collection Tubes, their additives and Laboratory Uses.

1. Red :

Additive : None
Laboratory Uses : Serum testing; chemistry studies, blood bank, serology (RH Typing, Antibody screening, Red Cell Phototyping, DAT)

2. Yellow :
Additive : SPS (Sodium Polyanetholsulfonate)
What additive does : Prevents the blood from clotting and stabilizes bacterial growth.
Laboratory Uses : Blood and bodily fluid cultures (HLA, DNA, Paternity)

3. Light Blue:

Additive : Sodium Citrate
What additive does : Removes calcium to prevent blood from clotting
Laboratory uses: Coagulation (clotting process-P.T)

4. Green :
Additive : Heparin (Sodium/Lithium/Ammonium)
What additive does : Inhibits thrombin formation to prevent clotting
Laboratory uses : Chemistry Testing (Plasma determinations in chemistry)

5. Lavender :
Additives : EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid)
What additive does : Removes calcium preventing clotting of blood
Laboratory uses : Hematology testing (ESR, CBC w/diff., HgBA1c)

6. Grey :
Additives : Potassium oxalate and Sodium fluoride
What additive does : Removes calcium preventing clotting, fluoride inhibits glycolysis
Laboratory uses : Chemistry testing, especially glucose(sugar) and alcohol (Glucose, Alcohol, GTT, Glucose fasting)

7. Royal Blue :
Additives : Sodium Heparin also Sodium EDTA
What additive does : Inhibits Thrombin formation to prevent clotting
Laboratory uses : Chemistry trace elements (such as Zinc, Copper, Lead and Mercury)

8. Black :
Additives : Sodium Citrate
What additive does : Forms calcium salts to remove calcium
Laboratory uses : ESR.

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Objectives Of Neuro Operation Theater


General Objective:

           By the end of the course student should be acquire knowledge and develop proficiency in caring for patient with medical and surgical disorders in varieties of health care setting and at home.

Specific Objectives:

By the end of the course students are able to:
  1. Appreciate the trends in medical surgical nursing.
  2. Describe the role of a nurse in caring for adult patient in hospital and community.
  3. Describe the concepts of medical surgical asepsis.
  4. Describe the common signs and symptoms, problems and their specific nursing interventions.
  5. Describes the etiology, patho physiology, chinical manifestation, diagnostic measures and management of patients with disorders of respiratory system and digestive system.
  6. Describes the etiology, patho physiology, chinical manifestation, diagnostic measures and management of patients with blood and cardiovascular problems.
  7. Describes the etiology, patho physiology, chinical manifestation, diagnostic measures and management of patients with disorders of genitor- urinary system.
  8. Describes the etiology, patho physiology, chinical manifestation, diagnostic measures and management of patients with disorders of male reproductive system.
  9. Describes the etiology, patho physiology, chinical manifestation, diagnostic measures and management of patients with disorders of endocrine system.
  10. Describes the etiology, patho physiology, chinical manifestation, diagnostic measures and management of patients with disorders of skin.
  11. Describes the etiology, patho physiology, chinical manifestation, diagnostic measures and management of patients with disorders of musculo skeletalsystem.
  12. Describes the etiology, patho physiology, chinical manifestation, diagnostic measures and management of patients with disorders of immunological system.
  13. Describes the etiology, patho physiology, chinical manifestation, diagnostic measures and management of patients with communicable diseases.
  14. Describe the organization and physical set up of operation theatre.
  15. Identify the various instruments and equipments used for surgeries.
  16. Describe the infection control measures in the operation theater.
  17. Describe the role of nurse in peri operative nursing care.

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