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Colonoscopic Preparation

Colonoscopic Preparation
( On Day Prepartion )

  • Mix Exylyte / FLEET 2 bottles in 500 ml of Sprite
  • Drink the liquid from 6 AM to 7 AM half a glass of every 10 minutes.
  • Afterwards drink at least one liter of water juice in next one hour.
  • You will start passing loose motions. After passing at least Four large watery Stools-Come for hospital.
  • You can take fruit juice/ coconut water after drinking Peglec water.
  • You can take routine morning medications BUT SKIP diabetic tabs/ Insulin.
  • For any clarifications contact hospital 

Myocardial Infarction

Myocardial Infarction

Causes :

Gender : 
-Males are get the MI more than females. 
-Because Female hormones protects from myocardial infarction upto 10 - 50 years. 

Age :
Plaque formation starts in the womb of mother.
- Males 
- Females from the age of 10 - 50 years they have a less chances to get MI
-After 50 years or post menopausal females may got the chances of MI more.

lack of Sleep : Minimum 8 hours sleep is required Per day.
Consumption of alcohol
Genetic factors 
Family History
Chronic Disorders like DM and HTN.
Over age 

Lack Of Exercises : 

Important Points :
  • Plaque formation starts in the womb of mother.
  • People who have diabetic mellitus they may not have the myocardial infraction sympotms.
  • Unstable Angina leads to myocardial infraction.
  • When accumulation is more than 60% the angioplasty done.

High-Alert Medications

High-Alert Medications

          High alert medications are the drugs. To improve the safety of High alert medications in the health care system it should be stored separately with proper labeling ORANGE color sticker and verified before dispensing and administering  

          When administering the High alert Medications to the patients double checking method is avoiding the medication error and improving the patient safety.

High Alert Medications List : 

          High alert medications are categorized into according to the drug classification.

A. Sedative :
Ex : Inj : Medazolam

B.Thrombolytic agents:
Ex : Inj : Urokinase
Inj : Streptokinase
Inj : Elaxim
Inj : Actylase
Inj : Mirel

C. Diuretics :
Ex : Inj : Torsemide Dytor

D. Anaesthetic Agents :
Inj : Propofol
Inj : Ketamine
Inj : Lidocaine
Inj : Ropivacaine

E. Antiarrythmic :
Inj : Amiodarone ( Potassium channel blocker )

F. Antiplatelet drug

G. Antithrombotic drugs
Inj : Heparin : 5000U
Inj : Heparin : 25000U

F. Cardiac Glycoside
Inj : Digoxin

G. Procoagulants 

Other High Alert Drugs :
01. Inj : Insulin 
04. Inj.: Nitroglycerine
05. Inj : Adrenaline
06. Inj : Atropine
07. Inj : Amiodarone
08. Inj : Morphine
09. Inj : Frusemide
10. Inj : Midazolam
11. Inj : Nor adrenaline
12. Inj : Propofol
13. Inj : Scolin ( Succinylcholine )
14. Inj : Sodium Bicarbonate
15. Inj : Ns3%
16. Inj : Loxicard 2% 50ML
17. Inj : Lidocaine 2% With adrenaline
18. Inj : Dobutamine
19. Inj : Dopamine
20. Inj : Heparin
21. Inj : Potassium chloride
22. Inj : Heparin
23. Inj : Insulin
24. Inj : Labetol
25. Inj : Lox 2% 30 ML
26. Inj : Lorazepam
27. Inj : Magnesium sulphate 
28. Inj : Betaloc
29. Inj : Diazepam
30. Inj : Digoxin
31. Inj : Dilzem
32. Inj : Pancuronium
33. Inj : Vecuronium
34. Inj : Streptokinase
35. Inj : Fentanyl
36. Inj : Vasopressin

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Oath for Nursing Community By Dr. APJ Abdul kalam

Oath for Nursing Community

1. I love my profession of nursing, the noble mission.
2. I realise, removing the pain is a Godly mission.
3. I will treat all patients equally with kindness and care.
4. I will take special care of at least 20 rural patiens.
5. I will be a life-long learner in nursing.
6. I will follow the motto "Let my care, remove your pain and bring smiles".

Dr. APJ Abdul kalam

Leedz Academy Thrissur, Kerala.

( For Nurses )

Courses :

  • HAAD ( 3 - 5 Days )
  • DHA    ( 10 - 12 Days )
  • MOH   ( 20 - 45 Days )
  • PROMETRIC ( 20 - 45 Days )

Address :

4th Floor,
Chiriyankandath Jewel Palace Building,
Palace Road,
Pin : 680020

Contact : Elwin

Ph : +91 9846807353 

Images :

Leedz Academy

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Endotracheal Intubation

Endotracheal Intubation

Pre Intubation :

01. Arrange the equipment near by.
02. Fluid load : 500cc of crystalloids or 250 cc starch if no cardiogenic pulmonary edema is present.
03. Prepare the sedation for an extended period of time.
04. Pre oxygenation for 3 minutes with non-invasive positive pressure ventilation in case of acute respiratory failure.

During Intubation :

05. Medication :
- Inj : Fentanyl 2 u/kg +
- Inj : Etomidate 0.2-0.3 mg/kg ( avoid in the septic patient )
- Inj : Rocuronium 1.2 mg/kg.

Post Intubation : 

06. Immediate confirmation of tube placement with capnography.
07. Norepinephrine or Dopamine if the diastolic blood pressure remains below 35 mmHg.
08. Start long term sedation.
09. Start protective ventilation : 
      Tidal volume 6-8 ml/kg
       plateau pressure 30 cm H20

Hydrocortisone : Uses, Indications, Precautions, Dosage, Side Effects, Contraindications,


Introduction :

          Hydrocortisoneis a anti inflamatory drug. It is a corticosteriod, Contain mild amount of corticosteriod. It acts on the tissue preventing or decreasing inflammation.

Uses :

          Hydrocortisone is used in the allergic reactions like Asthma diseases, 
Skin conditions : Insect bites, Allergies, Eczema, dermatitis, itching, rashes, any drug allergies.
It also reduces the redness, itching, swelling.

Indications :

Precautions :

Any History of allergic reactions with the hydrocortisone.
Improvement of Skin Redness, Irritation, Swelling.

Dosage :

Adult dosage is 2mg  per kg body weight

Ex : If the patient body weight 50kg. The required dose is 50 X 2 = 100mg

Side Effects :

Blured Vision

Over Dose :

Immediately connection with near hospital where emergency ward doctors available or poison control areas are available. Indian people can contact their local hospital by dial 108 or can dial for india emergency number 911.

Note :

Do not give the medication for others without doctors order

Contraindications :

Images :

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