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ESIC Staff Nurse Grade II Hall Ticket

ESIC Staff Nurse Grade II Hall Ticket

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Nurses Day Celebrations L N J P Civil Hospital May 2016

Nurses Day Celebrations L N J P Civil Hospital May 2016.

Royal Institute, Kottayam, Kerala.

Royal Institute
( For Nurses )
ISO 9001-2008 Certified Institute

Courses Offered :

  • DHA
  • HAAD
  • MOH
  • PROMETRIC (Saudi, Qatar, Oman )
  • BLS
  • ACLS

Features :

  • Access to internationally accepted study materials and universally accepted teaching strategies.
  • Affordable fees structure with installment system
    ( One month Crash Course : Rs 5000 only )
    ( 2-3 months regular Courses : 8500/- only )
  • Model Tests and special regular evaluations
  • Authorised and special trained tutors
  • Flexible timing, Free book & CD's
  • Free spoken English
    ( Preliminary & Intermediate Grammar and Interview Training) 

Address :

Head Office

Manorajyam blag,
Near KSRTC & Aida Hotel,
MC Road,
Kottayam District
Kerala State

Ph : 9656969656,

Branch 01

Near Bridge,
Above SIB

Branch 02

Kurisinkal Junction,

Branch 03

Above Union Bank,
Central Junction,

Contact No :



Website :


Email : hrroyalktym@gmail.com

Images :

Related Posts :

SAIMS Hospital

Sri Aurobindo Institute Of Medical Sciences

Address : 

Uijain State Highway,
Near MR 10 Crossing, 
Madhya Pradesh
Pin : 453555

PH No : 0731 423 1000

Images :







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Invitation For Nurses Presenation Theme for International Nurses Day 2016

Invitation For Nurses Presentation Theme for International Nurses Day 2016

         International Nurses Day is celebrated around the world every May 12, the anniversary of Florence Nightingale's birth. The International Council of Nurses commemorates this important day each year with the production and distribution of the International Nurses' Day (IND) Kit. The IND Kit 2016 contains educational and public information materials, for use by nurses everywhere.

         The IND theme for 2016 is : Nurses: A Force for Change: Improving health systems' resilience. The content of this year's kit, including the poster image are posted here as downloadable documents for use by individual nurses, associations, health ministries and health institutions. Though mainly planned around May 12 each year, IND activities continue for much of the year by nurses and others. We encourage nurses everywhere to make extended use of the Nurses: A Force for Change: Improving health systems' resilience kit throughout the year, through individual action and group activities.

        For more details click contact details in www.materialnotes.com

Hip Fractures

Hip Fractures

Definition :

Frctures of the proximal femur also called "hip" fracture, most common femoral fractures

Causes : 

Especially in geriatric population

Osteoporosis & reduced muscle mass contribute to high incidence of this type of fracture

Symptoms :

Break usually occurs at neck or across proximal shaft

Hip fracture typically cause patient's leg to rotate externally

Leg is also shortend

Falls most common reason for this type of fracture

Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding Sites

Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding Sites

01. Esophageal varices:
          The esophageal varices  known as dilated in sub mucosal veins of lower third portion of the esophagus, It leads bleeding occur in the any portion of the esophagus.(The normal esophagus 10Inches Or 25cm long).

02.Mallory - Weiss tear
03. Acute gastritis
04. Acute stress ulcers
05. Peptic Ulcers

     These are all diagnosed with the endoscopy

Upeer gastrointestinal Bleeding Sites

M.Sc Nursing Entrance Sample Question Paper - 03

M.Sc Nursing Entrance Sample Question Paper - 03

01. W.H.O day is celebrated on
a. 7th April
b. 7th May
c. 7th February
d. 1st December

Answer : 7th April

02. Extra energy allowance needed per day during pregnancy
a. 150 K. Calories
b. 200 K. Calories
c. 300 K. Calories
d. 500 K. Calories

Answer : 300 K. Calories

03. Which of the following is spread by aedesmosquito
a. Dengue fever
b. Enteric fever
c. Malaria fever
d. Viral fever

Answer : Dengue fever

04. Floating tip of iceberg of disease represents
a. Clinical cases
b. Undiagnosed cases
c. Carries
d. Incubation period

Answer : Clinical cases

05. A subcentre in hilly area caters to
a. 8000 population
b. 3000 population
c. 1000 population
d. 5000 population

Answer : 1000 population

06. Causative organism of AIDS is
a. Orthmyxo virus
b. Retro virus
c. Rhabdo virus
d. Paramyxo virus

Answer : Retro virus

07. The process of modifying individual behaviour through experiance is called
a. Learning
b. Transfer of learning
c. Extinction
d. Spontaneous recovery

Answer : Transfer of learing

08. The mental image that represents a generalised idea about something is called
a. Problem
b. Thinking
c. Concepts
d. Perception

Answer : Thinking

09. A state of tension or arousal produced by need is called
a. Drive 
b. Motive
c. Instincts 
d. Conflict

Answer : Motive

10. Tendency to harm or hurt others either physically or psychologically is called 
a. Achievement motive
b. Aggression motive
c. Material motive
d. Power motive

Answer : Aggression motive

11. Hypothesis which the researcher tries to disapprove is
a. Research hypothesis
b. Null hypthesis
c. Alternate Hypothesis
d. Hypthesis

Answer : Null hypothesis

12. Reliability of a research instrument means
a. Measures what it needs to measure
b. Measures consistently
c. Measures everything
d. Standardised

Answer : Standardised

13. Best method of describing variability is
a. Mean
b. Median
c. Mode
d. Standard deviation

Answer : Standard deviation

14. Most objective means of obtaining new knowledge is through
a. Trial and error
b. Scientific research
c. Authority figure
d. Traditions

Answer : Scientific Research

15. The plan how a study will be conducted is called as
a. Design
b. Hypothesis
c. Data collection method
d. Research process

Answer : Design

16. The final step of the research process for the researchers is
a. Analyse the data
b. Interpret the data
c. Conclude the findings
d. Utilize the findings

Answer : Utilize the findings

17. Collecting data from a sample to determine the characterstics of population purpose of which type of research
a. Correlational
c. Methodological
d. Quasi experimental

Answer : Survey

18. Which form of reasoning is the process of drawing a specific conclusion from a set of premises
a. Rationalism
b. Deductive reasoning
c. Inductive reasoning
d. Probabilistic

19. Which of the following is not true about the characteristics of good research
a. Orderly and systemic process
b. Conducted using large amount of funds
c. Finding solution problem
d. Begin with clearly defined purposes

Answer : Conducted using large amount of funds

20. Rema is admitted in psychiatric ward, refused to eat breakfast by stating that the food is poisoned. this knd of response is an example of
a. Hallucination
b. Illusion
c. Delusion
d. Empathy

Answer : Delusion

21. A client stated that "people get angry and take it out on me". This sentense indicate which defence mechanism
a. Dental
b. Prjection
c. Displacement
d. Intellectualization

Answer : Dental

22. Chronic alcoholic patients are treated initially by
a. Use of paraldehyd
b. Use of Tranquilizers
c. Providing high protein diet
d. IM injection of Thiamine

Answer : B

23. The most important factor in a therapeutic relationship is
a. Trust
b. Knowledge
c. Professionalism
d. Motivating

Answer : Trust

24. A person who is aloof, isolated and does not socialize, fall into which of the following category
a. Withdrawn
b. Anxious
c. Aggressive
d. Obsessive

Answer : Withdrawn

25. Finding a logical reason for the things that one wants to do "Sour grapes" mechanism is
a. Projection
b. Rationalization
c. Identification
d. Sublimation

Answer : Identification