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Fentanyl Infusion Calculation

Fentanyl Infusion Calculation

Infusion : 

1 ampule = 500 mcg ( 10 ml )

Preparation : 

10 ml Fentanyl + 40 ml NSS

Drug Concentration : 

50 ml = 500 mcg
1 ml = 10 mcg

Rate of Infusion : 

=  Desired Dose × Quantity
       Drug Concentration

Example :

 =  25 mcg × 50 ml  = 2.5 ml
          500 mcg

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Guillan Barre Syndrome Nursing Care Plans

Guillan Barre Syndrome Nursing Care Plans 

Nursing Diagnosis :

01.Ineffective airway clearance related to presence of artificial airway and retained secretions as evidenced by presence of copious drooling oral secretions, tracheal secretions, basal crepitations on auscultation.

02. Ineffective breathing pattern related to neuromuscular dysfunction as evidenced by dyspnea and increased respiratory rate.

03. Acute pain related to biological and physical injury agents as evidenced by facial grimacing indicating pain in the legs.

04. Impaired bed mobility related to

05. Impaired verbal communication related to physical barrier as evidenced by inability to speak and use facial expressions.

06. Bathing self care deficit related to neuromuscular impairement as evidenced by the inability access bathroom.

07. Feeding self care deficit related to neuromuscular impairement as evidenced by the inability swallow and chew.

08. Toileting self care deficit related to neuromuscular impairement as evidenced by the inability get to toilet.

09. Dressing self care deficit related to neuromuscular impairement as evidenced by the inability to put on necessary clothing.

10. Risk for aspiration related to presence of endotracheal tube and feeding tube.

11. Risk for infection related to continuous bladder drainage.

12.Risk for disuse syndrome related to paralysis secondary to guillan barre syndrome.

13. Risk for impairement skin integrity related to physical immobilisaiton.

14. Risk for vascular trauma related to the presence of venous catheter in in site.

Congenital Anomalies / Birth Defects



          According to WHO the term congenital malformation confined to structural defects at birth.


  • Exposure to chemicals/substances
  • Methyl mercury poisoning
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Rubella virus
  • Phenyl ketonuria
  • Chromosomal abnormalities
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Hypertension
  • Radiation
  • Consanguineous marriages


Cardio vascular system :

  • Ventricular septal defects
  • Atrial septal defects
  • Tetrology of fallot
  • Patent ductus arteriousis
  • Trans position of  greater arteries
  • Valvular defects, etc….

Digestive system :

  • Cleft lip
  • Cleft palate
  • Oesophageal  Artesia
  • Hyper pyloric stenosis
  • Congenital mega colon,etc…..
  • Central nervous system
  • Anencephaly
  • Micro/macro cephaly
  • Meningocele
  • Meningomylocele, etc….

Reproductive system :

  Male :

  • Hydrocele
  • Cryptorchidism, etc…

Female :

  • Vaginal agensis
  • Unicornuate uterus
  • Cervical agensis, etc…
  • Musculoskeletal system
  • Clubfoot
  • Hip dislocation, etc…
  • Haematological system
  • Congenital leukaemia
  • Sickle cell anaemia
  •  Thalassemia ,etc….

Respiratory system :

  • Lung agenises
  • Tracheo oesophageal fistula ,etc…..


1. Genitic counselling:

  • Do not take self medications during pregnancy.
  • Treat the infections promptly.

2. Avoid consanguineous marriages :

3. Improve the nutritional status of mothers during early pregnancy period
4. Avoid smoking & alcohol in pregnancy    period
5. Adequate folic acid supplementation
6. Couples with congenital /genetic disorders should seek medical advice before conceiving.
7. Immunization.
8. Avoid exposure to chemicals & radiation during pregnancy.
9. Focus on girls’ child health in view of producing healthy generations.

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Acute Lymphoid Leukemia Nursing Care Plans

Acute Lymphoid Leukemia Nursing Care Plans

Nursing Diagnosis

01. Fatigue related to anemia and disease state as evidenced by verbal report of  feeling increasing in rest requirements.

02. Acute pain related to biological injury agents as evidenced by verbal report of pain.

03. Impaired oral mucus membrane related to treatment related side effects secondary to chemotherapy as evidenced by oral ulcers and verbal report of difficulty eating.

04. Imbalanced nutrition less than body requirements related to biological and psychological factors as evidenced by verbalization of loss of appetite.

05. Risk for bleeding related to treatment related side effects secondary to chemotherapy.

06. Risk of infection related to immunosuppression secondary to chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

07. Risk for vascular trauma related to presence of central venous catheter in site.

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Sample Staff Nurse Question Paper - 10

Sample Staff Nurse Question Paper - 10

1.Major route of transmission of Hepatitis A is
(a) Facco oral route 
(b) parentral route 
(c) sexual transmission 
(d) perinatal transmission
Answer : A

2. Vaccine vial monitor is present on which of these vaccines
(a) BCG 
(b) DPT 
(c) OPV 
(d) Measles 
Answer : B

3. Immunity after Hepatitis A lasts for
(a) 6 months 
(b) 1 year 
(c) 6 years 
(d) life long
Answer : A

4. Following methods destroy vibrio cholerae except
(a) boiling 
(b) drying 
(c) bleaching powder 1 mg/L 
(d) cresol 
Answer : D

5. Best method of collecting choleric stools for diagnosis is by
(a) rectal catheter
(b) rectal swab
(c) disinfected stool 
(d) all of the above 
Answer : A

6. All are vaccines included under the Universal Immunization Programme except
(a) diphtheria 
(b) pertussis 
(c) measles 
(d) MMR 
Answer : C

7. The MTP act was passed in the year
(a) 1975
(b) 1971 
(c) 1986
(d) 2000
Answer : B

8. All are Anti Rabies vaccine currently used in Kerala except
(a) chick embryo cell vaccine 
(b) human diploid cell vaccine 
(c) vero cell vaccine 
(d) neural tissue vaccine
Answer : C

9. Annual Parasitic incidence is used to measure the problem of
(a) Filariasis 
(b) Dengue fever 
(c) Malaria 
(d) Japanese encephalitis 
Answer : A

10. The causative organism of plague is
(a) Y pestis
(b) R. Prowazeki 
(c) Coryne bacterium 
(d) Arbovirus 
Answer : A

11. Which of these is a Conventional Contraceptive
(a) Combined pill 
(b) IUD 
(c) Condom 
(d) Mini pill
Answer : C

12. Which of these insecticides is used as a space spray
(a) paris green 
(b) abate 
(c) pyrethrum 
(d) mineral oil 
Answer : C

13. Chemical ideally used for disinfecting sputum is
(a) cresol 
(b) dettol 
(c) savlon 
(d) phenol
Answer : A

14. Census is carried out at regular intervals of
(a) 5 years 
(b) 10 years 
(c) 7 years
(d) 15 years
Answer : B

15. Vaccine carrier should ideally have number of ice packs
(a) 1
(b) 2 
(c) 3 
(d) 4
Answer : D

16. The dose of elemental iron in Folifer tablet given to pregnant women under the RCH programme is
(a) 60 mg 
(b) 80 mg 
(c) 50 mg 
(d) 100 mg
Answer : C

17. Sanitary latrine should be located at least …. feet from source of contamination
(a) 15 
(b) 25 
(c) 50 
(d) 75
Answer : D

18. For calculating Bacterial index in Leprosy a minimum of ….. sites should be examined
(a) 4 
(b) 6 
(c) 7 
(d) 9
Answer : C

19. Number of Tetanus toxoid doses to be given to an antenatal mother with last child birth 2 years back is
(a) 2 
(b) 1 
(c) 3 
(d) none
Answer : C

20. As per the Birth and Deaths Registration Act all births are to be registered with in a period of
(a) 7 days
(b) 14 days 
(c) 21 days 
(d) 1 month
Answer : C

Rule Of Four

Rule Of Four

In Normal adult Iv set 1 ml = 16 drops ( approximately )

In pediatric drip set 1 ml = 64 drops ( approximately )

According to Rule of Four :

Drop rate     =     No of drops / min

                    =     Volume ( In ml ) / hr
Drop rate     =     Vol. ( ml / hr )

Example : 01

If 160 ml to be infused in 1 hr

Drop rate     =     160 ml
                             40 drops per minute approximately

Verify :

160 ml in 1 hr     =     160 ml
                                    60 min

                            =      2.66 ml in 1 min.

2.66 ml in 1 min     =     2.66 x 16 drops

                                =     42.56 drops / min.

Example : 02

If 200ml to be given in 1 hour

Drop rate     =     200
                     =     50 drops per minute.


200 ml in 1 hr     =     200 ml
                                    60 min

3.33 ml in1 min   =     3.33 x 16 drops

                             =     53.28 drops per min.

If volume of fluid to be infused for a day is give then

Drop rate     =     Volume ( in ml ) per day

Drops / min  =     Volume ( ml/day )

Example : 

If 2500ml to be infused in a day then

Drop rate     =     2500ml
                     =     25 drops per minute approximately.


2500ml / day     =     2500 ml
                                   24 hr

                          =     104.16 ml/hr

                          =      104.16 ml
                                   60 min

                          =     1.73 ml/min

1.73 ml/min     =     1.73 x 16 drops

                         =     27.68 drops/min.


Bccl Staff Nurse Genral Knowledge Question Paper 2015

Bccl Staff Nurse Question Paper 2015


01.To provide opportunities for education to the child or as the case may be, ward between the age of six and fourteen years is
1. Fundamental Right under Indian Constitution
2. Fundamental Duty under Indian Constitution
3. Directive Principles of state Policy Under Indian Constitution
4. Legal Right under Indian Constitution

Answer : 2

02. 2015, ICC Cricket World Cup was hosted by
1. Australia
2.New – Zealand
3. West Indies
4. Both 01 & 02

Answer : 04

03. PV Sindhu is related to which sport
1. Cricket
2. Badminton
3. Tennis
4. Billiards

Answer : 2

04. Which of the following Muslim rulers remained in the captivity of his son
1. Akbar
2. Aurangzeb
3. Shahjahan
4. Jahangir

Answer : 2

05. River Luni drains into
1. Ganga Delta
2. Kerala Coast
3. Rann Of Kutch
4. Godavari Delta

Answer : 3

06. Who is the present governor of the Bank of India
1. Raghuram Rajan
2. Vima jalan
3. Y. V. Reddy
4. None of these

Answer : 1

07. Who was the political Guru of Mahatma Gandhi
(01) Motilal Nehru
(02) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(03) Madan Mohan Malviya
(04) Dada Bhai Naoroji

Answer :2

08. Which one of the largest bone in human body
(01) Femur
(02) Humerus
(03) Tibia
(04 ) Radius

Answer : 1

09. Which one of the following is the highest in rank
(01) Lieutenant General
(02) Air Marshal
(03) Commodore
(04) Admiral

Answer : 3

10. A cyclist while turning around a curved road leans inwards. B doing so which force he is providing himself which enables to take a turn
(01) Centrifugual Force
(02) Centripetal force
(03) Angular Velocity
(04) None of these

Answer : 3

11. Full Moon occurs
(01) When Earth come between Sun and the Moon
(02) When Moon comes between Earth and the Sun
(03) When Sun comes between Moon and the Earth
(04) None of the above is correct

Answer : 2

12. The liquid drops or gas bubbles are always spherical due to
(01) Volume tension
(02) Surface  tension
(03) Gravitational force
(04) Magnetic force

Answer : 2

13. The branch of biology that deals with the study of fungi is called
(01) Algology
(02) Phycology
(03) Mycology
(04) Microbiology

Answer : 3

14. The Higgs-boson particle which was discovered by scientists, is also known as(01) Quantum Particle
(02) God Particle
(03) Atomic Particle
(04) High mass particle

Answer : 1

15. The constitution of India was adopted on
(01) 26th November, 1949
(02) 26th January, 1950
(03) 15th August, 1947
(04) 26th January, 1951

Answer : 1

16. The book titled ‘Forge Your Future’ has been authored by
(01) Mr. Pranab Mukerjee
(02) Dr. A. P. J. Abdul kalam
(03) Mr. Narendra Modi
(04) Dr. Manmohan Singh

Answer : 2

17. Rovers cup is associated with
(01) Badminton
(02) Cricket
(03) Hockey
(04) Football

Answer : 4

18. Who is the cabinet minister of Railways in 16th Lok sabha
(01) Mr. Arun Jaitley
(02) Mr. Manoj Sinha
(03) Mr. Suresh Prabhu
(04) None of these

Answer : 3

19. The Governor a state is appointed by
(01) Chief Minister of the state
(02) Chief Justice of Supreme Court
(03) President of India
(04) Speaker of the Lok Sabha

Answer : 3

20. Hirakud dam has been built on the river
(01) Ganga
(02) Mahanadi
(03) Brahmaputra
(04) Kaveri

Admission Notification to B.Sc Nursing in Punjab 2016.

Admission Notification to B.Sc Nursing in Punjab

Test Name       :     Punjab Para Medical Entrance Test ( PPMET )
Course             :      B.Sc Nursing
Year                 :      2016
Date of Exam  :     29-05-2016 ( SUNDAY )

Official Website : Click Here

For More Admission Notifications Visit