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Showing posts with label Labor room Emergency drug tray. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Labor room Emergency drug tray. Show all posts

Labor room Emergency drug tray

Labour room Emergency drug tray

1. Inj. Oxytocin ( kept in fridge )
2. Inj. Dexamethasone
3. Inj. Metronidazole
4. Inj. Diazepam
5. Inj. Carboprost
6. Inj. Fortwin
7. Inj. Magsulf 50%
8. Inj. Ampicillin
9. Inj. Lignocaine 2%
10. Inj. Calcium gluconate 10%
11. Inj. Adrenaline
12. Inj. Hydrocortisone Succinate
13. Inj. Phenergan
14. Inj. Hydrazaline
15. Inj. Gentamicin
16. Inj. Betamexthazon
17. Tab. Nefidepin
18. Tab. Methyldopa
19. Normal saline
20. Ringer lactate
21. IV sets with 16 gauge needle
22. IV Canula
23. Controlled suction catheter
24. Mouth gag.

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