Labor room Medicine tray
1. Inj. Vitamin K2. Inj. Gentamycin
3. Cap. Ampicillin 500 mg
4. Tab. Ibuprofen
5. Inj. Ringer lactate 500 ml
6. Inj. Betamethason
7. Tab. Metronidazole 400 mg
8. Tab. B complex
9. Tab. Methyldopa
10. Inj. Normal saline 500 ml
11. Inj. Oxytocin 10 IU
12. Inj. Hydrazaline
13. Tab. Paracetamol
14. Tab. Misoprostol 200 mg
15. Tab. Nefidepin
16. magnifying glass
Note : Nevirapin and other HIV drugs only for ICTC and ART Centres
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