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TMC Staff Nurse Question Paper 2018

Tata Memorial Center Staff Nurse Question Paper 2018
Held On 22-04-2018

01. Potassium Normal Level 
Ans : 3.5 - 5.0 mEq/L

02. Route of BCG Administration
Ans : Subcutaneous 

03. Plasma expanders are used in
Ans : Shock and hemorrhage

04. Isotonic Solution
Ans : 0.9% Nacl, D5W, RL

05. NG tube conformation
Ans : Chest X ray

06. Tracheostomy priority diagnosis
Ans :

07. Sterilization of disposal syringes
Ans : Using Gama radiation

08. Fiber optic endoscopy instruments are kept in
Ans : 2% gluteraldehyde

09. wilms tumor assessed by
Ans : Abdominal

10. Rigor mortis
Ans : stiffening of  muscles and joints of body

11. Kussmaul respiration
Ans : Gradual increase in depth and rate

12. Nuchal rigidity is seen in
Ans : Meningitis

13. Which aminoglycoside causes most ototoxicity
Ans : Streptomycine

14. Hypoxia
Ans : Deprived of adequate oxygen supply at the tissue.

15. Thrombocytopenia
Ans : Low blood platelets count

16. Patient with epilepsy and feeling tingling sensation and rose smelling what is the cause
Ans :

17. Teaspoon volume
Ans : 5ml

18. Negligence
Ans :

19. ICP first symptom
Ans : Headache

20. IOP present in 
Ans : Glaucoma

21. Least ignored Lumbar puncture
Ans :

22. ICP treated with
Ans : Mannitol

23. Why diuretics are given in morning only
Ans :

24. In glomerulonephritis what is the symptom of renal failure
Ans : Oliguria

25. Loss oxygen in tissues
Ans : Hypoxia

26. Laryngeal causes first symptom
Ans :

27. Crohns disease affect to the organ is
Ans : Terminal illium

28. Most common cause of appendicitis
Ans : 

29. Colostomy patient diet
Ans : Soft diet

30. Health education of self monitoring of glucose
Ans : Primary

31. In COPD patient with neck vein distention with peripheral edema what is the affected organ
Ans : Corpulmonale

32. Checking optical pulse with stethoscope should be placed at
Ans :

33. A HTN patient complaints of chest pain even at resting condition. What is the nurses action
Ans : Rest and inform doctor

34. Digoxin treatment given at
Ans :

35. Unconscious patient position at oral care
Ans : Lateral Position with head turned to the side - side lying

36. Consciousness of patient checked by
Ans : Glassgowcoma

37. Enema Position
Ans : Left side position

38. OP poisoning antidote
Ans : Atropine

39. Heparin antidote
Ans : Protamine sulphate 

40. Insulin over dosage drug of choice
Ans : Octreotide

41. Nurse fails to give medication
Ans : Negligence

42. A patient of Parkinsonism complaints of hand shaking continuously what is the nursing action
Ans : Object holding

43. Doctor prescribes oral and nasal secretion suction what is the priority of suction
Ans :

44. Physical examination of abdomen
Ans :

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