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cardiovascular terminology

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ablation - elimination or removal

ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitor - a medication that lowers blood pressure

aneurysm - a sac-like protrusion from a blood vessel or the heart

angina pectoris (also called angina) - recurring chest pain or discomfort that happens when some part of the heart does not receive enough blood

angiography - an x-ray that uses dye injected into the coronary arteries so that blood circulation can be studied

angioplasty - a non-surgical procedure for treating diseased arteries

anticoagulant - a medication that keeps blood from clotting

antihypertensive - a medication or other therapy that lowers blood pressure

aorta - the largest artery in the body and the primary blood vessel leading from the heart to the body

aortic valve - the valve that regulates blood flow from the heart into the aorta

aphasia - the inability to speak or understand due to brain injury or disease

arrhythmia (or dysrhythmia) - an abnormal heartbeat

arterioles - small branches of arteries

artery - a blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood away from the heart to the body

arteriosclerosis - commonly called "hardening of the arteries;" a variety of conditions caused by fatty or calcium deposits in the artery walls causing them to thicken

atherectomy - a non-surgical procedure that involves removing plaque from the walls of arteries with a rotating blade

atherosclerosis - a type of arteriosclerosis caused by a build-up of plaque in the inner lining of an artery

atrium (atria pl.) - one of two upper chambers in the heart

atrioventricular block - an interruption of the electrical signal between the atria and the ventricles

atrioventricular (AV) node - a cluster of cells between the atria and ventricles that regulate the electrical current

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